Courses: 1 - 12 of 73
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1440 Minutes
Every man, woman and child on the planet wakes up each morning with the same 1440 minutes. It's what they do with them that makes all the difference.Every day contains 1440 minutes. This motivational meeting opener challenges the viewer to use every minute to it's fullest. Using both historical foot... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Another Meeting?
Tired of meetings that are unnecessary, aimless and lack productivity? Well thankfully here is a meeting opener that will help make your meetings shorter, more focused, more productive, and fun! In this meeting opener you will see how a meeting that starts with mundane information and tasks complete... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Are We Really So Different, You and I? (male narrator)
So often we focus on what makes us different, but in reality there is far more that we have in common. This emotionally moving, inspirational video follows the circle of life as it highlights the common values and motivations that we share as human beings. A compelling way to start any diversity tra... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Furrific Customer Service
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success. Some customers are difficult to please... but in this funny meeting opener, Ollie will show you how to deal with a diff... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Paws-o-tive Attitude
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success.How often have we felt a little overwhelmed with work? How you choose to respond can make a big difference! Now Arf will ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Barkles: Sales 101: Finding the itch
Meet the Barkles... our new canine companions who will get your team howling with laughter. You'll love the fun and humor as they motivate your team to higher levels of success. If Freda can do it, you can, too! In this funny sales meeting video, you'll see how to overcome objections and really ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Change Can Be Good starring The Stapler Guy
How well does your organization accept change? While many people and organizations resist change, the most successful companies embrace it. So how do you introduce change? Try using our new video, Change Can Be Good starring The Stapler Guy. In this meeting video, you will meet the "The Stapler Guy"... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Customer Service to the Rescue
When Wilfred Jameson's parachute fails to open, he's in trouble. But customer service representative Henry Hawks knows just what to do – at least after a funny interaction on the phone. This is the perfect video to celebrate and thank all your employees who deliver great customer service. You'll be ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Extraordinary (revised edition)
Why not have passion in everything you do?Why not be courageous?Why not have a positive attitude?Why not find beauty in everything?Why not be a leader? A coach? A mentor?Why not do something you've never done before?Why not dream big?Why not have conviction, character, value?Why not attack every pro... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight
Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight uses quotes, pictures and video clips featuring world renown personalities including:Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs,, Oprah Winfrey, The Beatles and Michael Jordan to dramatically demonstrate how through perseverance and resiliency success can be achieved."OUR GREATES... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
G-E-T S-A-L-E-S Cheer with Fern Bratten
Give your salespeople a lift with the "Get Sales" cheer from Fern Bratten. "G-E-T S-A-L-E-S" is a cheer that gives a primer on sales success and Fern combines her characteristic humor and style to get the message across. Fern Bratten can sell anything to anyone... just ask her! As one of the nation’... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Goals: The Backbone of Dreams
Without goals, it is almost impossible to achieve success. In this motivational meeting video, you will learn about the importance of goals. As you watch athletes achieve success in mountain climbing, football, soccer, sprinting, skiing and cycling, you will be inspired by the simple and elegant mes... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only